What is the difference between profile and permission sets in Salesforce?

Profile and Permission sets in Salesforce

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In Salesforce, profiles and permission sets are both used to manage user permissions, but they serve different purposes and offer varying levels of flexibility.


A profile in Salesforce defines a user’s permissions to perform different functions within the CRM. It is a mandatory element, meaning every user must be assigned a profile. Profiles control object-level access, field-level access, and permissions for tasks like editing, deleting, or creating records. They are somewhat rigid, as one profile applies to multiple users, making them less ideal for unique, user-specific permissions.

Permission Sets:

Permission sets, on the other hand, are used to grant additional permissions to users on top of what their profile provides. They offer more flexibility and granularity. A user can be assigned multiple permission sets, allowing administrators to fine-tune access rights for individual users without altering their primary profile. This is particularly useful for giving users temporary access to certain features or for accommodating exceptions in access requirements.

In essence, while profiles provide a baseline of permissions for user roles, permission sets allow for the customization of these permissions on a per-user basis.

Can you assign permission sets to profiles in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, permission sets are not assigned to profiles; instead, they are assigned directly to individual users. This design allows for greater flexibility in managing user permissions. While profiles provide a base level of permissions for a group of users, permission sets enable the extension or addition of specific permissions for individual users, independent of the profiles they are associated with.

How many profiles can be created in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, there is a limit to the number of custom profiles you can create, and this limit is typically set at 1,500. This number includes both custom profiles created by the organization and the standard profiles provided by Salesforce. It’s important for organizations to plan and manage these profiles strategically to cover various user roles and access needs without exceeding the limit. Efficient use of profiles, along with permission sets, is crucial for maintaining a well-organized and secure Salesforce environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is more restrictive profile or permission set?

In Salesforce, profiles are generally more restrictive than permission sets. Profiles define the baseline level of access for users, determining what they can and cannot do within the Salesforce environment. They include settings for objects, fields, user permissions, and application access. Permission sets are used to extend the permissions defined in profiles, allowing additional access without changing the base profile. This means profiles set the fundamental access controls, and permission sets provide more granular and flexible permissions on top of the profile settings.

2. Which two settings are available in profiles but not permission sets?

Two settings available in profiles but not in permission sets are:

  1. Login Hours: Profiles allow you to define specific login hours during which users can access Salesforce.
  2. IP Ranges: Profiles enable you to set trusted IP ranges, restricting access to Salesforce from specified IP addresses only.

These settings are used to enforce security policies at the profile level, ensuring that users adhere to organizational access guidelines.

3. Does permission set override profile in Salesforce?

Permission sets do not override profiles in Salesforce; instead, they extend the permissions of a profile. Users are initially assigned a profile that determines their base permissions. Permission sets are then used to grant additional permissions that are not included in the profile. This means that while permission sets can add more permissions, they cannot restrict or take away permissions that are already granted by the profile.

4. Can permission sets be assigned to profiles?

No, permission sets cannot be assigned to profiles. Permission sets are assigned directly to individual users, not to profiles. This allows administrators to grant specific permissions to users based on their individual needs, regardless of the profile they are assigned. This flexibility helps in providing tailored access without altering the profile structure.

5. What is the main difference between profile and permission set in Salesforce?

The main difference between a profile and a permission set in Salesforce lies in their purpose and use. Profiles are used to define the base level of access and permissions for a group of users. They include settings for objects, fields, and system permissions, and are assigned to users based on their job functions. Permission sets, on the other hand, are used to grant additional permissions to users on top of what is defined in their profiles. This allows for more granular and flexible access control without modifying the base profile. In summary, profiles establish baseline permissions, while permission sets extend those permissions.

6. Is Salesforce getting rid of profiles?

Salesforce is not getting rid of profiles, but there is a shift towards using permission sets and permission set groups to manage user permissions more flexibly. Permission sets allow for more granular control over user access and can be adjusted without changing the base profile. While profiles will continue to exist and play a foundational role in access control, the increasing use of permission sets reflects Salesforce’s emphasis on providing more flexible and scalable permission management options. This approach allows organizations to better tailor user access based on specific needs and roles.

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