What are the different types of relationships in Salesforce?

What are the different types of relationships in Salesforce?

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Salesforce supports several types of relationships that define how data objects relate to each other within the CRM platform. These relationships are crucial for organizing and linking data effectively, enabling more complex and meaningful data interactions.

The primary types are:

  1. Lookup Relationships: This is a simple relationship where two objects are linked together, but they remain independent. It’s akin to a “use when needed” connection. For example, linking a custom object to standard objects like Accounts or Contacts. If the parent record (like an Account) is deleted, it doesn’t affect the child record (the custom object).
  2. Master-Detail Relationships: This is a tighter relationship where the master (parent) object controls certain behaviors of the detail (child) object. In this relationship, the child’s record must always be associated with a parent record. Deleting the parent record also deletes all related child records. This relationship is used to model strong dependencies between objects.
  3. Many-to-Many Relationships (Junction Objects): To create a many-to-many relationship, you use a junction object. This is a custom object with two master-detail relationships to two different records. It’s used when an object needs to be linked to multiple parent records. For instance, relating many products to many orders.

Understanding these relationships is fundamental in Salesforce as they enable users to construct a relational data model that mirrors their business processes and data structures.

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