What are the 4 standard objects in Salesforce?

What are the 4 standard objects in Salesforce?

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In Salesforce, the four standard objects that are fundamental to most sales and customer relationship processes are:

  1. Leads: Represent potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services but are not yet qualified to buy.
  2. Accounts: Represent companies or individual customers with whom you’re doing business.
  3. Contacts: Represent individuals associated with accounts. They are your direct points of communication within an account.
  4. Opportunities: Represent qualified leads that have a higher likelihood of making a purchase. Opportunities are linked to potential revenue and sales forecasting.

What is the example of Salesforce object?

A Salesforce object example is the “Contact” object. It stores information about individuals associated with your business dealings, like name, phone number, email, and address. Each individual’s record in the Contact object represents a person your business communicates with, helping manage and track interactions with clients, leads, or partners.

How many objects in Salesforce?

Salesforce contains a vast number of objects, both standard and custom. Standard objects are pre-built by Salesforce, like Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Opportunities. The exact number of standard objects varies with updates and editions. Additionally, users can create custom objects tailored to their specific needs. The total count can be extensive, depending on the organization’s customization and utilization of Salesforce.

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