Classes and objects in salesforce apex

Understanding Apex Classes and Objects – Salesforce Apex Tutorial 5

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Understanding Apex Classes and Objects in Simple Terms

In the world of programming, classes and objects are like blueprints and the things built from those blueprints. Apex, Salesforce’s programming language, also uses classes and objects to create custom functionality. Let’s break down what they are in simpler terms.

What is an Apex Classes?

Imagine you want to build a house. Before you start building, you need a plan, a blueprint that outlines how the house should look and function. In Apex, a class is like that blueprint. It defines what an object (in this case, a custom piece of code) should contain and how it should behave.

For example, if you’re building a class for a ‘Person,’ it might specify that a person has a name, age, and address, and can perform actions like walking or talking. You create this class to reuse it later, just like you can use the same blueprint to build multiple houses.

Here’s a simple representation of an Apex class for a ‘Person’:

public class Person {
    public String name;
    public Integer age;

    public void walk() {
        // Code for walking goes here

    public void talk() {
        // Code for talking goes here

Apex Objects – The Things Built

Now, think of objects as the actual houses built from those blueprints (classes). When you create an object in Apex, you’re making a specific instance of a class. It’s like constructing a real house based on the architectural plan.

If you want to represent a particular person, you create an object from the ‘Person’ class blueprint. This object has its own unique values for properties like name and age and can perform actions defined in the class.

Here’s how you can create an object from the ‘Person’ class:

Person john = new Person(); = 'John';
john.age = 30;

In this code, john is an object of the ‘Person’ class with its own name and age. You can create more ‘Person’ objects, each with its characteristics.

In summary, Apex classes are like blueprints that define what an object should contain and do. Objects are instances of those classes, representing real data and actions. By using classes and objects effectively, you can create organized, reusable, and customized code in Salesforce to meet your specific needs. As you dive deeper into Apex, you’ll discover how to create complex systems by designing and using classes and objects wisely.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Salesforce Apex used for?

Salesforce Apex is used for developing complex business logic and custom functionality within the Salesforce platform. Apex allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce servers, working seamlessly with calls to the API. It is essential for building sophisticated cloud applications, handling database operations, and integrating with external web services. Apex is specifically designed to allow developers to add business logic to system events, such as button clicks, record updates, and Visualforce pages.

2. Why do we write Apex classes in Salesforce?

We write Apex classes in Salesforce to encapsulate and organize custom business logic. Apex classes allow developers to create reusable code that can be invoked from various points within the Salesforce platform, such as triggers, Visualforce pages, or other classes. Apex classes help in maintaining clean, modular code, improving code readability, and facilitating easier debugging and maintenance. By using Apex classes, developers can ensure that their custom logic is consistent and centralized, reducing redundancy and enhancing the overall efficiency of the application.

3. What is Apex class and test class in Salesforce?

An Apex class in Salesforce is a blueprint for creating objects that encapsulate data and behaviors of a particular functionality. It defines variables, methods, and constructors to implement specific business logic. Test classes, on the other hand, are special types of Apex classes written to verify that your code works as expected. Salesforce requires that at least 75% of your code is covered by tests before deployment. Test classes help ensure that your application is reliable and free of bugs by simulating various scenarios and checking the outcomes against expected results.

4. What is Apex class and trigger in Salesforce?

An Apex class is a structured template for creating objects that include both data (variables) and behaviors (methods) to implement business logic. An Apex trigger is a piece of Apex code that executes before or after specific database events, such as insertions, updates, or deletions of records. Triggers are used to perform operations that need to be executed automatically when certain conditions are met. For instance, you can use a trigger to update related records or prevent certain actions based on custom criteria. Apex triggers often call Apex classes to execute the necessary business logic, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

5. What are Apex classes used for?

Apex classes are used for encapsulating and organizing the custom business logic required to meet specific application needs in Salesforce. They enable developers to create reusable and modular code that can be called from triggers, controllers, or other classes. Apex classes can manage data operations, implement complex algorithms, integrate with external systems, and support customized workflows and processes. By using Apex classes, developers can build scalable and maintainable applications, ensuring that business logic is centralized and easily manageable within the Salesforce environment.


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6. What is an example of a class in Apex?

An example of a class in Apex might involve creating a simple class that handles account-related operations. Below is a basic Apex class example:

public class AccountHandler {
    public List<Account> getAllAccounts() {
        return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];
    public void createAccount(String accountName) {
        Account acc = new Account(Name = accountName);
        insert acc;
    public void updateAccountName(Id accountId, String newName) {
        Account acc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId];
        acc.Name = newName;
        update acc;

In this example, the AccountHandler class contains methods to retrieve all accounts, create a new account, and update an existing account’s name. This encapsulates account-related logic in a reusable manner, demonstrating how Apex classes can be used to manage specific business functions.

7. How many Apex classes can we create in Salesforce?

Salesforce imposes limits on the number of Apex classes you can create based on the type of Salesforce edition. For instance, in Developer Edition, you can create up to 3,000 Apex classes. In higher editions like Enterprise and Unlimited, this limit increases significantly, supporting the needs of larger organizations with more complex business requirements. These limits ensure that the platform maintains performance and stability, even as extensive custom logic is implemented through numerous classes.

8. Is Salesforce Apex hard to learn?

Salesforce Apex can be challenging to learn initially, especially for those new to programming or object-oriented languages. However, with the right resources and consistent practice, it becomes manageable. Apex syntax is similar to Java, so familiarity with Java can make learning Apex easier. Trailhead, Salesforce’s interactive learning platform, offers modules and projects that gradually introduce Apex concepts, making it more accessible. Additionally, the Salesforce community and various online resources provide ample support, making it easier for learners to overcome difficulties and master Apex.

9. Is Apex easy to learn?

While Apex has a learning curve, many developers find it easy to learn once they grasp the basics of programming and object-oriented principles. Apex’s syntax and structure are similar to Java, so developers with Java experience can pick it up quickly. Salesforce provides extensive documentation and resources, including Trailhead, which offers interactive and gamified learning paths. Regular practice, real-world projects, and participation in the Salesforce community can significantly enhance the learning experience, making Apex easier to master over time.

10. Does Salesforce still use Apex?

Yes, Salesforce still uses Apex extensively for custom development and extending the platform’s capabilities. Despite the evolution of the Salesforce ecosystem with new tools and frameworks like Lightning Web Components (LWC), Apex remains a core technology for server-side logic, complex business processes, and database interactions. Apex is essential for creating triggers, custom controllers, and batch processing jobs. Its role in the Salesforce platform continues to be vital, ensuring that developers can implement sophisticated and scalable customizations.

11. Can I learn Salesforce in 3 months?

Yes, you can learn Salesforce in 3 months, especially if you dedicate consistent time and effort to your studies. Starting with Trailhead, Salesforce’s free, interactive learning platform, is highly recommended. Trailhead offers a variety of modules, trails, and projects that cover all aspects of Salesforce, from basic concepts to advanced functionalities. By following a structured learning path, practicing regularly, and engaging with the Salesforce community, you can gain a solid understanding of the platform within three months. However, mastering Salesforce and becoming proficient in all its capabilities will require ongoing learning and practical experience.

12. How do I practice Apex in Salesforce?

To practice Apex in Salesforce, you should start by setting up a Developer Edition account, which is free and provides a sandbox environment for development and testing. Utilize Trailhead to follow guided tutorials and hands-on projects that teach Apex fundamentals. Create and experiment with Apex classes, triggers, and test classes to solidify your understanding. Additionally, leverage Salesforce’s documentation, online forums, and the developer community to find practice problems and real-world scenarios. Consistent practice and building small projects will help you gain confidence and improve your Apex skills.

public class PracticeClass {
    public String greetUser(String userName) {
        return 'Hello, ' + userName + '!';

13. What is Apex used for in Salesforce?

Apex is used in Salesforce to create complex business logic and automate processes that cannot be accomplished using standard declarative tools. It is a strongly-typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to write custom code for triggers, controllers, and web services. Apex is crucial for implementing custom data validation rules, automated workflows, and batch processing. By using Apex, developers can create robust, scalable applications tailored to specific business needs, ensuring that Salesforce solutions are highly customizable and efficient.

14. How to write Apex classes in Salesforce?

To write Apex classes in Salesforce, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Developer Edition account: This provides a free environment for development and testing.
  2. Navigate to the Developer Console: In Salesforce, click on your profile icon, select Developer Console, and open it.
  3. Create a new Apex class: In the Developer Console, go to File > New > Apex Class. Enter a name for your class and click OK.
  4. Write your class code: Define your class, methods, and properties using the Apex syntax. Here’s an example of a simple Apex class:
public class HelloWorld {
    public String sayHello(String name) {
        return 'Hello, ' + name + '!';
  1. Save and test your class: Save your code and use the Execute Anonymous window or create test classes to test your Apex class.

15. When should we use Apex?

Apex should be used when you need to implement complex business logic that cannot be achieved through declarative tools like Process Builder or Flow. Use Apex for creating triggers to automate tasks based on DML operations, writing batch processes for handling large data volumes, integrating with external systems via web services, and customizing user interfaces with Visualforce pages or Lightning components. Apex is essential for scenarios where advanced logic, error handling, and transaction control are required, ensuring your Salesforce implementation is powerful and flexible.

16. Why are Apex classes used in Salesforce?

Apex classes are used in Salesforce to encapsulate and organize custom business logic and functionalities. They provide a way to create reusable, modular code that can be invoked from various points within the Salesforce platform, such as triggers, Visualforce pages, Lightning components, and other Apex classes. By using Apex classes, developers can maintain clean and efficient code, improve code readability, and facilitate easier debugging and maintenance. Apex classes allow for the creation of sophisticated, scalable solutions that enhance the Salesforce environment, making it more tailored to specific business needs.

17. What is SOQL in Salesforce?

SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) is used to query data in Salesforce. It is similar to SQL (Structured Query Language) but specifically designed for Salesforce data. SOQL allows you to retrieve data from Salesforce objects, such as accounts, contacts, opportunities, and custom objects. It is a powerful tool for accessing data, performing operations like filtering, sorting, and aggregating results. SOQL is essential for writing Apex code that interacts with the database, enabling developers to create dynamic, data-driven applications. Here is an example of a simple SOQL query:

18. What are the two types of triggers in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, there are two types of triggers: Before triggers and After triggers. Before triggers are executed before a record is inserted, updated, or deleted. They are typically used to validate or modify data before saving it to the database. For example, you can use a before trigger to check if a required field is populated or to set default values. After triggers are executed after a record has been saved to the database. They are commonly used to perform actions that require the record’s ID or to update related records. Both types of triggers are essential for automating business processes and ensuring data integrity.

19. When should we use an Apex trigger?

Apex triggers should be used when you need to perform custom actions before or after specific database events, such as insertions, updates, or deletions. Use triggers to enforce complex business rules, automate repetitive tasks, or maintain data integrity across related objects. For instance, you might use a trigger to automatically create a related record when a new record is inserted, to update parent records when a child record changes, or to prevent certain actions based on custom criteria. Triggers provide powerful automation capabilities, ensuring that critical processes are executed automatically within the Salesforce environment.

20. How to call an Apex class from a trigger?

To call an Apex class from a trigger, you should define a method in your Apex class and then invoke that method within the trigger code. This approach promotes code reusability and separation of concerns. Here is an example:

Apex Class:

public class AccountHandler {
    public static void handleNewAccount(Account acc) {
        // Custom logic for handling new account
        System.debug('New Account: ' + acc.Name);


trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert) {
    for (Account acc : {

In this example, the AccountHandler class contains a static method handleNewAccount that performs custom logic for new accounts. The AccountTrigger trigger calls this method before a new account record is inserted, ensuring that the custom logic is executed.

21. Why do we use void in Apex?

In Apex, the void keyword is used to specify that a method does not return any value. This is particularly useful for methods that perform actions or modify data but do not need to pass any information back to the caller. Using void helps clarify the method’s purpose, indicating that it only executes its code block without returning a result. For example, a method that updates a record or sends an email might be defined as void:

public class AccountUpdater {
    public void updateAccountName(Id accountId, String newName) {
        Account acc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId];
        acc.Name = newName;
        update acc;

In this example, the updateAccountName method updates an account’s name without returning any value, hence the use of void.

22. Can I learn Salesforce in 3 months?

Yes, you can learn Salesforce in 3 months, especially with a structured learning approach and dedicated effort. Start with Trailhead, Salesforce’s free, interactive learning platform, which offers a variety of modules and projects covering all aspects of Salesforce. By following a structured learning path, engaging in hands-on practice, and leveraging the Salesforce community, you can gain a solid understanding of the platform within three months. Continuous practice, real-world projects, and participation in community forums will help reinforce your knowledge and skills.

23. How do I practice Apex Salesforce?

To practice Apex in Salesforce, start by setting up a Developer Edition account, which provides a free sandbox environment for development and testing. Use Trailhead to follow guided tutorials and hands-on projects that introduce Apex concepts. Experiment with Apex classes, triggers, and test classes to solidify your understanding. Utilize Salesforce documentation, online forums, and the developer community to find practice problems and real-world scenarios. Regular practice and building small projects will help you gain confidence and improve your Apex skills. Here’s a simple example of practicing with an Apex class:

public class PracticeClass {
    public String greetUser(String userName) {
        return 'Hello, ' + userName + '!';

24. What is Apex used for in Salesforce?

Apex is used in Salesforce to create complex business logic and automate processes that cannot be accomplished using standard declarative tools. It is a strongly-typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to write custom code for triggers, controllers, and web services. Apex is crucial for implementing custom data validation rules, automated workflows, and batch processing. By using Apex, developers can create robust, scalable applications tailored to specific business needs, ensuring that Salesforce solutions are highly customizable and efficient.

25. How to write Apex classes in Salesforce?

To write Apex classes in Salesforce, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Developer Edition account: This provides a free environment for development and testing.
  2. Navigate to the Developer Console: In Salesforce, click on your profile icon, select Developer Console, and open it.
  3. Create a new Apex class: In the Developer Console, go to File > New > Apex Class. Enter a name for your class and click OK.
  4. Write your class code: Define your class, methods, and properties using the Apex syntax. Here’s an example of a simple Apex class:

public class HelloWorld {
public String sayHello(String name) {
return ‘Hello, ‘ + name + ‘!’;

5. Save and test your class: Save your code and use the Execute Anonymous window or create test classes to test your Apex class.

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