Salesforce Apex Tutorial

Salesforce Apex Tutorial

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Salesforce Apex is a programming language used for building custom functionalities within the Salesforce platform.


Salesforce Apex is a powerful programming language designed for developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce platform server. It allows for the customization of Salesforce applications beyond what is possible with standard configuration and customization options. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to help you get started with Apex and develop the skills needed to build robust applications on the Salesforce platform.

1. Understanding Apex

1.1 What is Apex?

Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce platform. It is similar to Java and C#, enabling developers to write complex business logic and manage database operations efficiently.

1.2 Benefits of Apex

Apex offers several benefits, including:

  • Seamless Integration: Apex integrates tightly with Salesforce data and user interface, making it easy to build custom logic that interacts with Salesforce objects.
  • Multitenant Architecture: Apex is designed to run in a shared environment, ensuring that code is efficient and does not adversely affect other customers.
  • Version Control: Apex supports version control, allowing developers to upgrade and maintain their codebase over time.
  • Robustness: Apex includes built-in support for unit tests, ensuring that code is reliable and maintainable.

2. Getting Started with Apex

2.1 Setting Up Your Development Environment

To get started with Apex development, you need to set up your development environment. This involves creating a Salesforce Developer Edition account and setting up the necessary tools.

  1. Create a Salesforce Developer Edition Account: Visit the Salesforce Developer website and sign up for a free Developer Edition account. This account provides access to all the features needed for Apex development.
  2. Set Up the Salesforce CLI: The Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for managing your Salesforce orgs and developing applications. Download and install the Salesforce CLI from the Salesforce developer website.
  3. Set Up Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that supports Apex development. Download and install VS Code, and then install the Salesforce Extension Pack from the VS Code marketplace.

2.2 Writing Your First Apex Class

An Apex class is a template or blueprint that defines the properties and behaviors of objects. To write your first Apex class, follow these steps:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Connect to Your Salesforce Org: Use the Salesforce CLI to authenticate and connect to your Salesforce Developer Edition org.
  3. Create an Apex Class: In VS Code, create a new file with the .cls extension. For example, HelloWorld.cls.
  4. Write the Apex Class:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void sayHello() {
System.debug('Hello, Salesforce Apex!');
  1. Save and Deploy the Class: Save the file and deploy the class to your Salesforce org using the Salesforce CLI.

3. Apex Basics

3.1 Variables and Data Types

Apex supports various data types, including primitive types, collections, and sObjects. Here are some examples:

  • Primitive Types: Boolean, Integer, Double, String, Date, Datetime, ID
  • Collections: List, Set, Map
  • sObjects: Standard and custom Salesforce objects, such as Account, Contact, Opportunity, etc.


public class DataTypeExample {
public void demonstrateVariables() {
Integer count = 10;
String name = 'Salesforce';
List<String> names = new List<String>();

System.debug('Count: ' + count);
System.debug('Name: ' + name);
System.debug('Names List: ' + names);

3.2 Control Flow Statements

Apex supports standard control flow statements such as if, else, switch, for, while, and do-while loops.


public class ControlFlowExample {
public void demonstrateControlFlow() {
Integer count = 10;

if (count > 5) {
System.debug('Count is greater than 5');
} else {
System.debug('Count is 5 or less');

for (Integer i = 0; i < count; i++) {
System.debug('Count is: ' + i);

4. Working with sObjects

4.1 Creating and Querying sObjects

sObjects represent Salesforce records and allow you to create, read, update, and delete data in the Salesforce database. Use the following steps to work with sObjects:

Example: Creating and Querying sObjects

public class SObjectExample {
public void createAndQuerySObject() {
// Creating an Account
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Account';
insert acc;

// Querying Accounts
List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Test Account'];
for (Account a : accounts) {
System.debug('Account Name: ' + a.Name);

4.2 DML Operations

Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations in Apex include insert, update, delete, undelete, and upsert. These operations allow you to manipulate Salesforce records.

Example: DML Operations

public class DMLExample {
public void performDMLOperations() {
// Insert
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'New Account');
insert acc;

// Update
acc.Name = 'Updated Account';
update acc;

// Delete
delete acc;

5. Apex Triggers

5.1 Creating an Apex Trigger

Apex triggers allow you to perform custom actions before or after events to Salesforce records, such as insert, update, delete, and undelete. Triggers are written for a specific object and event.

Example: Creating an Apex Trigger

trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) {
for (Account acc : {
if (acc.Name == null) {
acc.Name = 'Default Name';

5.2 Trigger Context Variables

Apex triggers have context variables that provide information about the trigger event, such as, Trigger.old, Trigger.isBefore, Trigger.isAfter, Trigger.isInsert, and Trigger.isUpdate.

Example: Using Trigger Context Variables

trigger ContactTrigger on Contact (before insert, before update) {
if (Trigger.isBefore) {
if (Trigger.isInsert) {
for (Contact con : {
System.debug('New Contact: ' + con.Name);
} else if (Trigger.isUpdate) {
for (Contact con : {
System.debug('Updated Contact: ' + con.Name);

6. Testing Apex Code

6.1 Writing Test Classes

Salesforce requires that Apex code is covered by unit tests with at least 75% code coverage. Test classes are written to verify that your code works as expected.

Example: Writing a Test Class

public class SObjectExampleTest {
static void testCreateAndQuerySObject() {
// Test data setup
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
insert acc;

// Call the method to test
SObjectExample obj = new SObjectExample();

// Verify the results
Account queriedAcc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = 'Test Account' LIMIT 1];
System.assertEquals('Test Account', queriedAcc.Name);

6.2 Test Data and Assertions

In your test classes, you should create test data and use assertions to verify that your code behaves as expected. The @isTest annotation marks a class or method as a test.

Example: Using Test Data and Assertions

public class DMLExampleTest {
static void testPerformDMLOperations() {
// Create test data
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
insert acc;

// Update the test data
acc.Name = 'Updated Account';
update acc;

// Verify the update
Account updatedAcc = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :acc.Id];
System.assertEquals('Updated Account', updatedAcc.Name);

// Delete the test data
delete acc;

// Verify the deletion
Account deletedAcc = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :acc.Id];

7. Advanced Apex Concepts

7.1 Apex Triggers Best Practices

When working with Apex triggers, follow best practices to ensure maintainability and performance. These include:

  • One Trigger Per Object: Implement one trigger per object and delegate logic to handler classes.
  • Bulkification: Ensure your trigger can handle multiple records efficiently.
  • Context-Specific Logic: Use trigger context variables to control the flow of logic based on the trigger event.

7.2 Asynchronous Apex

Asynchronous Apex allows you to perform operations asynchronously, outside the standard request-response cycle. Use asynchronous Apex for long-running operations and to avoid hitting governor limits.

Example: Using Future Methods

public class AsyncExample {
public static void performAsyncTask() {
// Long-running operation
List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account];
for (Account acc : accounts) {
acc.Description = 'Updated asynchronously';
update accounts;

7.3 Scheduled Apex

Scheduled Apex allows you to schedule an Apex class to run at a specific time. Use the Schedulable interface to define the schedule.

Example: Scheduling an Apex Class

public class ScheduledJob implements Schedulable {
public void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
// Job logic here

// Schedule the job
String cronExp = '0 0 0 * * ?'; // Every midnight
System.schedule('Daily Job', cronExp, new ScheduledJob());

7.4 Batch Apex

Batch Apex allows you to process large volumes of data by breaking it into manageable chunks. Implement the Database.Batchable interface to define the batch job.

Example: Batch Apex

public class BatchJobExample implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
public Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Name FROM Account]);

public void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Account> scope) {
for (Account acc : scope) {
acc.Description = 'Processed in batch';
update scope;

public void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
System.debug('Batch job completed');

// Execute the batch job
BatchJobExample batchJob = new BatchJobExample();
Database.executeBatch(batchJob, 100);

7.5 Exception Handling

Proper exception handling ensures that your code gracefully handles errors and provides meaningful messages to users. Use try-catch blocks to catch exceptions and handle them appropriately.

Example: Exception Handling

public class ExceptionHandlingExample {
public void performOperation() {
try {
Account acc = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
insert acc;
} catch (DmlException e) {
System.debug('Error inserting account: ' + e.getMessage());

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Apex code hard to learn?

Learning Apex code can be challenging, especially if you are new to programming. Apex is Salesforce’s proprietary programming language, and while it is similar to Java, it has its own set of rules and functionalities specific to the Salesforce platform. However, with dedicated practice, using resources like Trailhead, and following tutorials and documentation, you can progressively master Apex.

2. Can I learn Salesforce in 2 months?

You can learn the basics of Salesforce in 2 months with consistent effort and focused study. During this period, you can cover foundational concepts, get familiar with the platform’s interface, and complete several Trailhead modules. However, gaining a deeper understanding and mastering Salesforce for professional roles or certifications may take more time.

3. Is Apex easy to learn?

Apex can be relatively easy to learn if you have prior programming experience, especially with object-oriented languages like Java or C#. For beginners, it might take some time to get accustomed to programming concepts and Salesforce-specific functionalities. However, with a structured learning approach, hands-on practice, and resources like Trailhead, you can learn Apex effectively.

4. How long will it take to be a Salesforce developer?

Becoming a proficient Salesforce developer typically takes 4 to 6 months of dedicated study and practice. This includes learning Salesforce fundamentals, mastering Apex and Visualforce, and understanding key platform features and best practices. Engaging in real-world projects, internships, or volunteer work can further enhance your skills and accelerate the learning process.

5. How long does it take to learn Apex code?

Learning Apex code can take about 2 to 4 months for someone with prior programming experience. Beginners might need 4 to 6 months to become comfortable with Apex and understand its integration with Salesforce’s features. Regular practice, completing Trailhead modules, and working on small projects can help solidify your understanding of Apex.

6. Can I become Salesforce developer in 3 months?

Becoming a Salesforce developer in 3 months is ambitious but possible if you have prior programming experience and can dedicate significant time daily to learning. You would need to focus intensively on mastering Salesforce fundamentals, Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning components. Utilizing resources like Trailhead, online courses, and practical projects can help you achieve this goal.

7. What is the average salary for a 3-year experience Salesforce developer?

The average salary for a Salesforce developer with 3 years of experience varies based on location and the specific role. In the United States, a Salesforce developer with this level of experience can expect to earn between $90,000 and $120,000 annually. In high-demand areas or specialized roles, salaries can be even higher.

8. Is Salesforce developer easy or hard?

The difficulty of becoming a Salesforce developer depends on your background and learning approach. For those with prior programming experience, it can be relatively easier to pick up. However, it can be challenging for beginners due to the need to learn both the Salesforce platform and its specific programming languages like Apex. With consistent effort, practice, and the right resources, many find it rewarding and manageable.

9. Is Salesforce a good career in 2024?

Yes, a career in Salesforce is highly promising in 2024. Salesforce continues to be a leading CRM platform with widespread adoption across various industries. The demand for skilled Salesforce professionals, including developers, administrators, and consultants, remains strong. With competitive salaries, numerous job opportunities, and a robust ecosystem, pursuing a Salesforce career is a good choice.

These topics provide a comprehensive overview of what you can expect to learn in a Salesforce Apex course. Keep in mind that mastering Apex often involves practical experience and continuous learning, as you mentioned in your user profile.

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